Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Considering Buying a Home

So you’re considering buying a home?

Congratulations! That’s something to celebrate!  It’s an awesome time to make this decision as affordability is still within reach with interest rates and home prices that make it easy for many to enter the market or move up. Buying a home is one of the biggest and most exciting financial decisions of your life and we are here to educate and assist you through it every step of the way in person and on demand with our home buying 101 video series! Rather you are a first time home buyer or a seasoned homeowner or investor, “each transaction is unique and at times can be very nerve wracking.” That’s where we come in and help ease any anxieties by educating you on the process and steps necessary to complete a smooth and timely transaction for your unique, positive home purchase experience.  And that’s what it should be, a positive experience!

We work with clients, like you, every day and it’s our chosen career, to help make sure you are making the best possible choices and decisions for your unique circumstances. We see and hear about the areas where questions come up and where people say “I wish I would have known that!” We want you to feel good about your investment and upcoming transaction, so we pride ourselves on educating you through these questions that will help you be knowledgeable about what to expect and how to come out on top with peace and comfort as you search and view properties, make offer(s), contract on the “right one” and close on your home.

Each real estate market is different, and it fluctuates daily, Las Vegas included. We pay attention to what’s going on in the current real estate market so we can share options and strategies. We have a team of professionals that we partner with that specialize in the home buying process, every step of the way!  Starting with understanding what you can afford in a payment will help determine your price point and any needs for down payment assistance and costs that will be associated to closing the transaction. Understanding the property condition by having the proper inspections will educate you about the home.  An appraisal will determine the home’s value and is based on the current market and how it compares to similar sold properties in the area. We assist through the entire transaction and finally the signing of transfer paperwork.

Does this sound like something you want to do alone? Definitely not! In addition to the videos above, we have created this video series and included a video about what you should consider when choosing an agent to represent you.

It's easier than most might think, especially when you have someone who cares about you leading the way. So let's start this journey together!

Written by Nickel Lowman
For the Dominguez-Martin Group