Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Santa Is On His Way

Track Santa Here:

Track his progress… Santa will be here before you know it, well at least once the kids have visions of sugarplums dancing in their heads…

I know as a kid it was always a big deal to my siblings and I to know we made it to the “good list” and just couldn’t wait for Santa’s arrival. I liked to sleep-in (I wasn’t much of a morning person) (my Dad agreed, sleeping in was a good idea), whereas my 4 siblings (and Mom) liked to rise before the sun. Mom and Dad’s heads would have often just hit their pillows when the first of my siblings would awake and make sure the entire house was ready for the unwrapping extravaganza. It was a big deal. Now with 11 nieces and nephews I see Santa’s arrival from a different perspective (from the eyes of a child) and I don’t mind the missed sleep quite as much.  With stops in 3 states (Idaho, California, and Nevada) for my family I know it’s a big deal to know when Mr. Clause will arrive. When I lived in Colorado Springs, I learned of NORAD, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (a United States and Canada bi-national organization who monitors aerospace warnings and is in charged of aerospace control for North America) that has a base that sits above a hilltop on the outskirts of town and tracks Santa’s delivery stops, kind of like tracking a FEDEX package during the holidays.  You too can track Santa's journey and his progress, as he circles the globe, and see his expected arrival time to Las Vegas. Hopefully you made it to the good list, and he will be stopping by tonight. Be sure to leave the cookies and milk by the fireplace, Santa will be leaving treats for all the good little boys and girls. 

By the way, does anyone know if Santa eating gluten free theses days?

Written By Nickel Lowman  Dominguez-Martin Group
6180 Brent Thurman Way, Ste. 100
Las Vegas, NV 89148

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